Medi S. (idem) is an analog avatar.

As a multidisciplinary cyber artisan, a supporter of poor culture and analog enthusiast, Medi works with altered images that are translated into vibrating frames and evolving colorful patterns. Also, remaining anonymous, unimpressive, elusive and ephemeral are proportionally important values in the protocol of his actions.
Medi S. (idem / devis gratuit) also hosts an non-profit organization that aims to bring together its members on collaborative projects: combining video creation, AV performance, drawing, stage design, websites and applications.

Amongst others, Medi is an active member of the run‑space Indiana,
member of the board at Pano,
and of the non-profit library of things 1800 trucs.
Medi is a former cofounding member of the artists and architects collective GALTA,
and of the cooperative library of things La Manivelle.